Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Our Easter lilies have emerged, they are so very lovely.

Oh bless!  They have returned, despite the hot, despite the dry, our ladies of Easter have thrust upward through the parched earth; leafless, albeit glorious.  What a perfume!

My gorgeous daughter described their scent as "like Princess perfume”.  For those familiar with a 5 year old girl's sensibility, you will know this a great compliment.  

Our Easter lilies are a perfect example of a case of persistence in the face of resistance.  Remember it's deadly baking HOT outside...

Below is  proof of just how dry the earth about us is at the moment.  Please rain soon!  

For those observant enough to notice, Sylvie; despite the heat, is wearing Wellingtons (or gumboots) because we need to be extra, terribly cautious of snakes at this time of year (the Black snakes are respectful and flee if disturbed, but the Browns are fierce... and won't back down even if you turn away). Wellies don't protect you completely of course,  but are a good way to teach a little one that before they leave the house they need to think and prepare themselves about the threat of stepping on / disturbing a snake.  

'Stomp and look at your next step, stomp and look'.  (& so on)...

The vibrations from your stomping in the ground can aid in letting a snake know you are within their vicinity, Black and Brown snakes don't wish to seek out trouble, they generally choose to avoid it, so as a human it's good practice to give them as much notice as possible, they will slide away to a safe place and you will not have a terrible scare.  Polite behaviour from both parties.  LOVELY.

If you're reading this and it's cold, cold, cold where you are, I'd love to hear from you!
Lara Jane.

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